New deliverable D4.3: #CommonInformationSpace with Network Enabled Communication and Taxonomy

In May we published another deliverable detailing our Common Information Space concept: D4.3 This gathers three topics which are key contributors:

  • Taxonomy of used data sets, processes, information systems and ELSI
  • Network Enabled Communication (NEC) system concept
  • Secure Cloud services

A first draft of the taxonomy is presented in this document and the possibilities for connecting existing semantic approaches with SecInCoRe’s developments are reported in the deliverable. For the NEC, interoperability with PMR services based on 3GPP standard solution (MCPTT/MCData/MCVideo) is selected as a system architecture which will be the basis for future systems in the domain. An overview of how SecInCoRe services are cloudified by using a combination of these technologies is described, including the SecInCoRe User Interface within containers and the Semantic Framework within Virtual Machines.

The deliverable is available in the DELIVERABLES section of this web page.