News & Blog

3rd Project Review: Successful Meeting in Brussels

The 3rd and final review meeting of the SecInCoRe project took place from the 23th to 24th of May in Brussels. The consortium demonstrated the SecInCoRe “Common Information Space” (CIS) demonstrator at a whole (including Semantic Search, RescueRoam and Furthermore, the SecInCoRe team presented future network enabled communication and a table top exercise based on to raise awareness and experiences issues in governance and use of Common Information Spaces. As a success criterion in European research projects, it was confirmed that all scheduled deliverables were accepted. The consortium will continue its work on its CIS concept in general and all types of elements included. Stay tuned!


Demonstration Case in Paderborn on 25th October 2016

On 25th of October 2016 SecInCoRe Team members engaged with international practitioners to demonstrate SecInCoRe concepts and reference implementations in Paderborn. In addition, validation exercises took pace during the workshop. We were glad to welcome a member of the CNBOP from Poland, a member of the Fire Brigade in Paderborn and moreover a member of the Dortmund Fire Brigade who is also a member of our Advisory Board.

Plenary Meeting 12.10.2016 and 13.10.2016

In the last Plenary Meeting SecInCoRe set up the plan for the last half year of the project. The last period will feature a final workshop with the Advisory Board and furthermore a Joint Event with all other projects funded under FP7-SEC-5.1.1. The team is highly motivated to conclude the SecInCoRe project with great success after the great results it got to this point!

SecInCoRe Workshop @ 11th October, 2016

The workshop consisted of collaborative exploration and experimentation with the concept and reference implementations for the semantic framework and knowledge base. It brought together representatives from all partners in SecInCoRe and two representatives from the Lancashire Local Resilience Forum with whom we’ve had long-term interactions. The workshop covered:

  1. the overall project concept
  2. details about the search, semantic framework, and knowledge base
  3. time to explore the reference implementations of these aspects
  4. discussions around how different forms of transparency could support the design and use of these aspects of the project
  5. and a debate about structuring the knowledge base as a library or a catalogue.


Overall, the discussions brought together the various perspectives of those involved in ways that lead to new insights about the potential of SecInCoRe. By the end of the workshop, most, if not all, involved found themselves thinking differently about an aspect of the design than before the workshop. Part of this was because of the ability to have something concrete and hands-on to interact around. Part of this was because the workshop was not set up to be designers versus users, but mixed everyone together.


While we all agreed that the reference implementation of the search still needs work to act as a marketing tool, it provided a fantastic opportunity to explore how our concept pairs with design. Doing so helped the project partners in SecInCoRe focus their follow up discussion on how to better demonstrate the overall holistic concept as well as what to focus on within each reference implementation to best show the value and state of the art aspects of the concepts.



Key Points:

  • While we are not focusing on interfaces, we need to think critically about how to demonstrate the complex state of the art underlying engineering and design that we are developing.
  • The individual emergency responder “user” is not our audience. Rather, because of the level of design and concept, we are more focused on the strategic planners within organisation and institutions.
  • A library and catalogue structure for the knowledge base have relatively equal problems and advantages technologically. However, they do offer different social opportunities, which need to be considered to a greater degree.
  • Even if imperfect, having some meta-data produced in advance that can then be edited would likely create situations of greater equivalence in entries and more likely encourage user interventions to produce better meta-data overall than having a blank slate which the user is the only source of entry. With that said, having only computer-generated meta-data will not work either.




2nd review meeting: successful end of the second project year

The second review meeting of the SecInCoRe project took place from 23th to 24th of June in Dortmund. All scheduled deliverables were submitted and significant results in terms of deliverables and scientific publications were published (especially with a strong contribution at ISCRAM 2016). In Dortmund the consortium presented outcomes and the current status also based on Lancaster workshop results. Especially collaboration and use of the demonstrator by invited participants of the fire department of Dortmund was shown on the first day. Besides presentations of all work packages TU Dortmund had presented the laboratory in order to demonstrate the work regarding the SecInCoRe CIS component “Network Enabled Communication system concept”.


New deliverable D4.3: #CommonInformationSpace with Network Enabled Communication and Taxonomy

In May we published another deliverable detailing our Common Information Space concept: D4.3 This gathers three topics which are key contributors:

  • Taxonomy of used data sets, processes, information systems and ELSI
  • Network Enabled Communication (NEC) system concept
  • Secure Cloud services

A first draft of the taxonomy is presented in this document and the possibilities for connecting existing semantic approaches with SecInCoRe’s developments are reported in the deliverable. For the NEC, interoperability with PMR services based on 3GPP standard solution (MCPTT/MCData/MCVideo) is selected as a system architecture which will be the basis for future systems in the domain. An overview of how SecInCoRe services are cloudified by using a combination of these technologies is described, including the SecInCoRe User Interface within containers and the Semantic Framework within Virtual Machines.

The deliverable is available in the DELIVERABLES section of this web page.

Joined session at PSCE conference 2016

The SecInCoRe team contributed actively to the 14th Public Safety Communication (PSC) Europe Forum conference in Brussels on the 18th and 19th May 2016. Monika Büscher, Katrina Petersen (Lancaster University, leaders of WP2) and Lina Jasmoneite (project EPISECC) organised a full-day workshop on Ethical, Legal, Social Issues in Networked Information Exchange for PPDR, led by the notion of “How to Make IT Good?”. About 30 experts attended the workshop and discussed contributions for a corresponding whitepaper.

During the conference, SecInCoRe was part of a joined session on interoperability in emergency response. Besides contributions with regard to the Pan-European inventory and standardisation aspects, Jens Pottebaum presented a collaborative approach on taxonomy and semantic modelling. Delegates from across Europe (16 countries) participated, representing public safety stakeholders consisting of public safety communication end users, ministries, network operators, technology developers and research organisations. Three representatives from the European Commission were present, as well as a representative from the European Data Protection Supervisor.

The official press release and further links can be retrieved here: 14th PSCE conference – press release



SecInCoRe at 15th annual IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST ’16)

The 15th annual IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST ’16) was taking place from 10 -12 May in the greater Boston area. The symposium features presentations and discussions in the domains of Attack and Disaster Preparation, Biometrics & Forensics, Land and Maritime Border Security as well as Cyber Security. The SecInCoRe project was present with two contributions, introducing the concept of a common information space for collaborative emergency management and deriving the concept for a sustainable information storage for mission data and reports using unmanned autonomous systems. Details about the conference can be visited at

James Flavin is welcoming the participants and introducing the conference concept

James Flavin is welcoming the participants and introducing the conference concept

Lancashire Co-Design Workshop May 3 & 4, 2016 in Lancaster

SecInCore Team Members engaged with an international group of disaster practioners and planners in a two-day workshop designed to delve into our concept and its design implications for the final year of the project. Participants included member of the Lancashire Local Resilience Forum LRF Pandemic Consequence Management Group, members of the Dortmund Fire Brigade civic protection and technology branches, a representative of the management team for the Bremerhaven Fire Brigade, an experienced Greek CBRNE Planner, and members of our Advisory Board.

The full workshop summary can be found here.

SecInCoRe at I4CM event in Berlin

SecInCoRe on tour, part 2 – Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM) on December 9-10, 2015, Berlin:

SecInCoRe contributed to the I4CM event in Berlin, organised by the DRIVER demonstration project which is supposed to integrate outcomes from relevant mission oriented projects and cross-cutting activities like SecInCoRe. Rainer Koch presented the SecInCoRe approach, the team took part in the exhibition of the event. Discussions about ‘Common Information Spaces’ continued to be one of the key priorities.