
2nd review meeting: successful end of the second project year

The second review meeting of the SecInCoRe project took place from 23th to 24th of June in Dortmund. All scheduled deliverables were submitted and significant results in terms of deliverables and scientific publications were published (especially with a strong contribution at ISCRAM 2016). In Dortmund the consortium presented outcomes and the current status also based on Lancaster workshop results. Especially collaboration and use of the demonstrator by invited participants of the fire department of Dortmund was shown on the first day. Besides presentations of all work packages TU Dortmund had presented the laboratory in order to demonstrate the work regarding the SecInCoRe CIS component “Network Enabled Communication system concept”.


SecInCoRe at I4CM event in Berlin

SecInCoRe on tour, part 2 – Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM) on December 9-10, 2015, Berlin:

SecInCoRe contributed to the I4CM event in Berlin, organised by the DRIVER demonstration project which is supposed to integrate outcomes from relevant mission oriented projects and cross-cutting activities like SecInCoRe. Rainer Koch presented the SecInCoRe approach, the team took part in the exhibition of the event. Discussions about ‘Common Information Spaces’ continued to be one of the key priorities.

SecInCoRe at PSCE conference in Oxford

SecInCoRe on tour, part 1 – Public Safety Communications Europe (PSCE) conference on December 8-10, 2015, Oxford University:

Monika Buscher presented work on ‘Networked Information Exchange: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues’, a collaboration between SecInCoRe, and the EPISECC, SECTOR and REDIRNET projects. Discussions have inspired a PSCE Working group. Please find the presentation here and watch out for more information on the working group. For more information please contact the SecInCoRe team.


SecInCoRe @ I4CM December 8 & 9, 2015 in Berlin

SecInCoRe will attend at the International Workshop on Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM) on December 8 & 9, 2015 in Berlin. SecInCoRe will have a  presentation, contribute to the exhibition and is looking forward to promising discussions.

To underline the importance, Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maiziere and the president of Federal Agency for Technical Relief Albrecht Broemme will open the I4CM workshop.

For further information about the schedule please visit I4CMs website.