
3rd Advisory Board Meeting in Manchester, UK February 20th and 21th 2017

The advisory board of SecInCoRe came together in Manchester to reflect the outcomes of the Common Information Space and the CIS concept. It has been an intense meeting with very deep impressions of the CIS concept. We thank every partner involved for their participation and feedback and hope to continue the good work.


Workshop reports online!

The Final reports of the Co-Design workshops are finally online ! The first Co-Design workshop happened in Manchester 9-10 December 2014 which brought together response experts from seven different countries that brought home how important it is to attend to similarities and differences in Emergency Response, Processes and Roles. In the second Co-Design workshop at Athens 10-11 September 2015 Experiment, Collaborate, Envision and Evaluate were the main objectives. You can find the reports at the workshop site.

2nd Advisory Board workshop in Athens

The SecInCoRe team organised a second workshop with invited experts from several European countries. The workshop was structured along current research questions (mainly regarding Concept of Operations, use cases and sustainability concepts for a ‘Common Information Space’ concept) and the refugee crisis being one of the main SecInCoRe case studies (cp. deliverable D2.1).

A detailed report about this event will follow soon.

SecInCoRe Advisory Board workshop: Invited experts and the team after intense discussions about Common Information Space, inventory and technologies

SecInCoRe Advisory Board workshop: Invited experts and the team after intense discussions about Common Information Space, inventory and technologies

UPDATED deliverable: Overview of disaster events, crisis management models and stakeholders

SecInCoRe envisages an inventory of representative past disaster events. This inventory is documented in deliverable D2.1 entitled ‘Overview of disaster events, crisis management models and stakeholders’. After an early inventory of about 20 events we added two additional case studies: The Germanwings crash and the refugee crisis. The Germanwings crash was investigated in depth to understand Pan-European procedures and and structures engaging several organisations and authorities; the SecInCoRe team discussed ethical and legal issues based on this case study. In 2015 we added a case study based on the refugee crisis. Even though it is a complex crisis and does not comply to all charateristics of a disaster event, the team decided to include this study and dedicate specific efforts to this situation. See Deliverable page for details and download link.

1st review meeting: Successful end of the first project year

SecInCoRe after one year: The team built up a great team spirit, delivered all scheduled deliverables, published significant results in terms of deliverables and scientific publications (especially with a strong contribution at ISCRAM 2015) and now passed its first project review. In Sofia, where CloudSigma is running parts of their research and development business, the consortium presented outcomes and the current status. Besides presentations of all work packages, the team demonstrated main parts of the ‘Common Information Space’ concept by means of technology. More information will follow soon…

1st SecInCoRe review meeting in Sofia

1st SecInCoRe review meeting in Sofia

SecInCoRe @ ISCRAM 2015 in Kristiansand

The SecInCoRe project had a successful representation at the 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) 2015 in Kristiansand, Norway. Monika Büscher (Lancaster University) acted as one of the paper chairs and co-chaired a track on Ethical Legal and Social Issues, Jens Pottebaum co-chaired the track on Human Centered Design and Evaluation. As an outstanding actviity of the project, Katrina Petersen and Monika Büscher (both Lancaster University) organised a workshop entitled Technology in Disaster Response and Management: Narratives of Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues to reflect outcomes of the SecInCoRe project (see our latest deliverables, especially in WP2 here).