News & Blog

SecInCoRe @ I4CM December 8 & 9, 2015 in Berlin

SecInCoRe will attend at the International Workshop on Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM) on December 8 & 9, 2015 in Berlin. SecInCoRe will have a  presentation, contribute to the exhibition and is looking forward to promising discussions.

To underline the importance, Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maiziere and the president of Federal Agency for Technical Relief Albrecht Broemme will open the I4CM workshop.

For further information about the schedule please visit I4CMs website.

SecInCoRe @ ESRDublin2015

Under the theme of ‘European Security Research – The Next Wave’ experts from different backgrounds and understandings in the area of security research came together in Dublin between the 4th and 6th November 2015. UPB, ULANC and AIRBUS represented SecInCoRe by contributing three presentations regarding standardisation, taxonomy and ELSI guidelines demonstrator. The SecInCoRe attendants enjoyed the information exchange and discussions at ESRDublin2015 leading into initiating several task forces. For more information about ESRDublin2015 visit the ESR website.

image source: Destriero_FP7 Twitter account

World Disasters Report 2015 released

The 2015 World Disasters Report – launched by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) – examines the complexities and challenges local actors face in scaling-up and sustaining their humanitarian response.

For more infomation about past disaster events, take a look at D2.1: Overview of disaster events, crisis management models and stakeholders


2nd Advisory Board workshop in Athens

The SecInCoRe team organised a second workshop with invited experts from several European countries. The workshop was structured along current research questions (mainly regarding Concept of Operations, use cases and sustainability concepts for a ‘Common Information Space’ concept) and the refugee crisis being one of the main SecInCoRe case studies (cp. deliverable D2.1).

A detailed report about this event will follow soon.

SecInCoRe Advisory Board workshop: Invited experts and the team after intense discussions about Common Information Space, inventory and technologies

SecInCoRe Advisory Board workshop: Invited experts and the team after intense discussions about Common Information Space, inventory and technologies

UPDATED deliverable: Overview of disaster events, crisis management models and stakeholders

SecInCoRe envisages an inventory of representative past disaster events. This inventory is documented in deliverable D2.1 entitled ‘Overview of disaster events, crisis management models and stakeholders’. After an early inventory of about 20 events we added two additional case studies: The Germanwings crash and the refugee crisis. The Germanwings crash was investigated in depth to understand Pan-European procedures and and structures engaging several organisations and authorities; the SecInCoRe team discussed ethical and legal issues based on this case study. In 2015 we added a case study based on the refugee crisis. Even though it is a complex crisis and does not comply to all charateristics of a disaster event, the team decided to include this study and dedicate specific efforts to this situation. See Deliverable page for details and download link.

1st review meeting: Successful end of the first project year

SecInCoRe after one year: The team built up a great team spirit, delivered all scheduled deliverables, published significant results in terms of deliverables and scientific publications (especially with a strong contribution at ISCRAM 2015) and now passed its first project review. In Sofia, where CloudSigma is running parts of their research and development business, the consortium presented outcomes and the current status. Besides presentations of all work packages, the team demonstrated main parts of the ‘Common Information Space’ concept by means of technology. More information will follow soon…

1st SecInCoRe review meeting in Sofia

1st SecInCoRe review meeting in Sofia

SecInCoRe @ ISCRAM 2015 in Kristiansand

The SecInCoRe project had a successful representation at the 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) 2015 in Kristiansand, Norway. Monika Büscher (Lancaster University) acted as one of the paper chairs and co-chaired a track on Ethical Legal and Social Issues, Jens Pottebaum co-chaired the track on Human Centered Design and Evaluation. As an outstanding actviity of the project, Katrina Petersen and Monika Büscher (both Lancaster University) organised a workshop entitled Technology in Disaster Response and Management: Narratives of Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues to reflect outcomes of the SecInCoRe project (see our latest deliverables, especially in WP2 here).

SecInCore @ BSSAR 2014

A Large Dissemination Event promoting Synergies and Collaboration will take place in the island of Crete (Greece) the second half of November (27 and 28/11/2014), organized by the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) of the Hellenic Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection.

Monika Buscher presented ” Secure Dynamic Cloud for Information, Communication and Resource Interoperabilty based on Pan-European Disaster Inventory” which you can find here.

SecInCoRe @ Vodafone Innovation Days 2014

Seeking for on demand network setup integrated in the crisis management process within SecInCoRe, the TU Dortmund partner successfully presented two innovative solutions @ Vodafone innovation days on 4th and 5th November at the Vodafone Campus in Düsseldorf, Germany. The presented solutions enable process-oriented, secure, and reliable emergency group communication between rescue fighters at incident scenes, see CNI_Secincore_Vodafone slides. We thank Vodafone, Nokia, SmartMobileLabs, and our visitors for their collaboration and feedback.

For a German blog post about these components which will be part of the SecInCoRe system see also: Ein Fall für die Feuerwehr: Sichere Kommunikation im Katastrophenfall

Inspiring keynote by Monika Buscher and Sarah Becklake at The Values of Tourism conference on ‘Embodying Security, Solidarity, Freedom’

Monika Buscher and Sarah Becklake gave a keynote speech on ‘Embodying Security, Solidarity, Freedom’ at the Copenhagen Business School, at a Conference on The Values of Tourism (23rd Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, October 1-4, 2014).

On the face of it, the ideas, experiences, and effects of disasters and tourism could not be further apart. However, disasters and tourism do not occupy different worlds. Disasters can, in a heartbeat, completely disrupt the tourist experience, devalue tourist locations or, as phenomena such as ‘dark tourism’ suggest, have the opposite effect, as even places of disaster can become sites of touristic pleasure (Pezzullo, 2010). But the connections between the two run deeper than their mutual (in)formation. As liminal journeys into the unknown, disasters and tourism both evoke heightened concern with bodily risk and insecurity and, thus, make way for extraordinary (dis)embodied securitization practices. While this is not new, technological innovations are facilitating new forms of securitization, many of which are not easily contained within conventionally conceived corporeal and spatio-temporal phenomenologies (Adey, 2009; Haldrup & Larsen, 2006; Molz, 2012). Furthermore, the informationalization of security in both contexts raises many problematic aspects often seen as involving a trade-off with values of privacy, freedom and justice. Through an examination of disaster and tourism insecurities, we explore how new technologically facilitated (dis)embodied securitization practices are achieved and experienced in moments of liminality, and highlight both their reflexive and subversive potential.

Creatively understood ‘vigilant visualities’ can involve a sense of touch (Amoore, 2007) and enable an embodiment of posthuman phenomenologies that can reclaim freedom, and enact relational ethics and a politics of justice (Boltanski, 1999; Sontag, 2002; Whatmore, 1997). Following this, by tracing examples ranging from the technologically facilitated (re)production of ‘safe bodies’ and ‘safe bubbles’ for tourist experience to the involvement of tourists in disaster response (Rossnagel & Junker, 2010; Schroeder, Pennington-Gray, Donohoe, & Kiousis, 2013; Sigala, 2011), we highlight the emergence of new ethical challenges and opportunities.

The presentation is available here:

Keywords: disaster mobilities, tourism mobilities, relational ethics, posthuman sociality