Open Research Ethics Protocol

This Open Research Ethics Protocol describes the SecInCoRe research ethics and process. It is ‘open’ in two senses. Firstly, it is public so that anyone interested in our research can understand our approach. We invite comments and expressions of interest for engagement in the project. Secondly, this is an open-ended, evolving protocol. Societies’ ethical values change, researchers’ and stakeholders’ understanding of challenges and opportunities change, and the potential for beneficence and harm in socio-technical innovation changes; this requires an on-going practical acknowledgement of ‘ethics in action’.

On these webpages you will find information regarding:

·      Research Methodology: Ethically Aware Research for Ethical Innovation

·      Research Ethics: Generating Knowledge with Human Subjects

·      Ethical Innovation in Emergency Response

We welcome comments and interest in participating in the project. Please contact project partners Katrina Petersen or Monika Büscher. In case of complaints, you may also contact the independent representative, Professor Lucy Suchman.