Deliverable update
Updated deliverables after the successful review meeting are now available on the website, at
Stay tuned for more news.
Updated deliverables after the successful review meeting are now available on the website, at
Stay tuned for more news.
We have once more pushed our world to the brink. We must step up to the challenges that will define our generation. We have an opportunity to build a better world together. #ItsPossible.… Retweeted by FP7 SecInCoRe
Final version of the @isITethical_EU board game is ready to roll! This one yielded a satisfying conclusion to 1 or 2 product design conundrums! This imaginative game uses play to exchange knowledge around #digitalethics in disaster response. @ImaginationLanc @cemore4mobs Retweeted by FP7 SecInCoRe
Der 2. Tagungsband der LÜKEX 18 zum Thema "Bedeutung einer längerfristigen Unterbrechung der Gasversorgung für den Bevölkerungsschutz" ist online. Hier können Sie einen Blick hinein werfen:… ^ms Retweeted by FP7 SecInCoRe
Unbedingt den 16.06. vormerken: 2. Katastrophenschutztag in @BundesstadtBonn. Von 10-17 Uhr sind wir für Sie auf dem Münsterplatz mit einem abwechslungsreichen Programm und machen #Katastrophenschutz hautnah erlebbar. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!… ^gkb Retweeted by FP7 SecInCoRe
#rescEU: a new European system to tackle natural disasters #CommonInformationSpace!PU68NV @AnywhereH2020 @FP7_SecInCoRe Retweeted by FP7 SecInCoRe
New article about our collaboration with @EPISECC_FP7 @SectorFP7 @ReDIRNET: Working across borders for better #disastermanagement!VR47GH via @EUScienceInnov
Call for Papers: IT Support for #crisismanagement and #continuitymanagement - Special Issue in #IJISCRAM @ISCRAM Retweeted by FP7 SecInCoRe
Situation update + fire danger forecast | Active #forestfires in Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro!VB86Hj Retweeted by FP7 SecInCoRe
3rd Project Review: Successful Meeting in Brussels. Now pushing uptake of results #CommonInformationSpace #RescueRoam
Final review meeting in Brussels: Today demonstration of enabling concepts and technologies like #SemanticSearch #NetworkCoding #ELSIgame
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 607832.